2. Installation

2.2. Graphical Application

The DTOcean graphical application is packaged as a standalone wizard-based installer or as an Anaconda Python Distribution package. The Anaconda packages are released most frequently to test bug fixes and new features before including them in a standalone installer release. Thus, the standalone installer should be considered as more stable than the Anaconda version.

2.2.1. Installation Wizard

The latest version of the DTOcean installation wizard can be downloaded from Github.

Download the installer for your system architecture and then double-click the file. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

Note, when using the “All Users” option, uninstallation can only be conducted using the account that was used to install DTOcean.

Once installed, start DTOcean from the Windows start menu folder appropriate to your architecture. For instance, for a 64-bit architecture DTOcean is found in the “DTOcean (64-bit)” folder.

DTOcean can be uninstalled through the link in the Windows start menu folder or using the control panel.

2.2.2. Anaconda Package

Alternatively, DTOcean is also available to install using the Anaconda Python Distribution. Once Anaconda is installed, the following steps can be used to install DTOcean:

  1. Open the “Anaconda Prompt” program from the “Anaconda” Windows start menu folder

  2. Create an environment for DTOcean:

    conda create -n _dtocean python=2.7
  3. Activate the environment:

    conda activate _dtocean
  4. Download the .condarc file for dtocean-app, save it and copy it to the root of the environment:

    copy .condarc %CONDA_PREFIX%
  1. Install the DTOcean application and modules (this step may take some time):

    conda install dtocean-app ^
                  dtocean-hydrodynamics ^
                  dtocean-electrical ^
                  dtocean-moorings ^
                  dtocean-installation ^
                  dtocean-maintenance ^
                  dtocean-economics ^
                  dtocean-reliability ^

In the above steps, press enter or answer “y” when prompted.

The DTOcean Hydrodynamics Data package must be installed separately and can be downloaded from Github. Download the installer and double-click the file. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

DTOcean can now be started using the following steps:

  1. Open the “Anaconda Prompt” program from the “Anaconda” Windows start menu folder

  2. Activate the _dtocean environment:

    conda activate _dtocean
  3. Start the dtocean application:

  4. Optionally, start dtocean in debug mode:

    dtocean-app --debug

DTOcean can be uninstalled with the following process:

  1. Open the “Anaconda Prompt” program from the “Anaconda” Windows start menu folder

  2. Remove the _dtocean environment:

    conda remove -n _dtocean --all
  3. Uninstall the DTOcean Hydrodynamic Data through the Windows start menu or control panel.

2.3. Database

The use of DTOcean is supported by a persistent PostgreSQL database. The latest version of the database package can be downloaded from Github and installation instructions are included within the package.

2.4. Configuration Files

2.4.1. Updating

When upgrading DTOcean, it may be necessary to update its configuration files. This is particularly important for users of DTOcean version 1.*, moving to version 2.*. Options for updating the database and logging configuration files are:

  • overwriting old files with the new default settings (which requires no further user interaction) or,
  • copying the new configuration files alongside the old, so that the user can manually merge them.

The method for updating the configuration files varies depending on how DTOcean was installed.

2.4.2. Installation Wizard

If DTOcean was installed using the installation wizard, then utility functions are included in the DTOcean start menu folder alongside the main executable (and in the Config folder for Windows versions prior to Windows 8).

The utilities are named as follows:

  • Overwrite Database Config
  • Copy Database Config (Safe)
  • Overwrite Logger Config
  • Copy Logger Config (Safe)

2.4.3. Anaconda Package

If DTOcean is installed as an Anaconda package then the configuration files are updated using specific command line utilities.


To update the database configuration files:

  1. Open the “Anaconda Prompt” program from the “Anaconda” Windows start menu folder

  2. Activate the _dtocean environment:

    conda activate _dtocean
  3. Copy the new configuration files next to the old:

    dtocean-core-config database
  4. Or, overwrite the old files:

    dtocean-core-config database --overwrite


To update the logger configuration files:

  1. Open the “Anaconda Prompt” program from the “Anaconda” Windows start menu folder

  2. Activate the _dtocean environment:

    conda activate _dtocean
  3. Copy the new configuration files next to the old:

    dtocean-app-config logging
  4. Or, overwrite the old files:

    dtocean-app-config logging --overwrite

2.4.4. File Locations

The location of the configuration files, if the user chooses to merge their old settings into the new configuration file, are:

C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\DTOcean\dtocean_core\config\database.yaml C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\DTOcean\dtocean_core\config\database.yaml.new
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\DTOcean\dtocean_app\config\logging.yaml C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\DTOcean\dtocean_app\config\logging.yaml.new